viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

The new age of communication: SOCIAL NETWORKING

The new age of communication: SOCIAL NETWORKING is updating the media, information-communication alive, faster, upgrade, possibility of traces of products, exchange of views of consumers and customers, launch new offerings, ultimately they know directly our products that come into our stores.

Web pages increasingly widespread, allow us to view the facilities, their location, have a large graphic content and good descriptive pictures and videos with internal and external of the hotels, their facilities and the various deals offered.
There is some concern or fear of how certain pages can be used in networks such as facebook or blogs. This fear is seen when there are many references or complaints of any same establishment and presumably can be certain groups who might be plotting to create a bad image of a complex for some specific reason.

The technologies are advancing and the hotels are incorporated in all fields, have been implementing systems today could not do without them, because the client demands it as a necessity rather, an example, increasingly there are hotels that offer free WiFi as a plus more for their clients. Many tourists who travel with their laptops, Ipod., Etc. the world today is served by all these means.

   The computer is already present not only at receptions, today the computer terminals reach all departments, making any kind of information is communicated to all departments, avoiding the old internal memo or communication, alertness and agility these media make us more operational, more effective communication flow between management-worker-management leads to improved service.
The computer is already present not only at receptions, today the computer terminals reach all departments, making any kind of information is communicated to all departments, avoiding the old internal memo or communication, alertness and agility these media make us more operational, more effective communication flow between management-worker-management leads to improved service.

And computer technology is already present in all departments without exception has been the time when technical services needed to be revised watches to check the pressure, control controls the air conditioning and heating, open close valve, cut off lights consumption etc. etc.., now all this is managed and administered from a computer, with something very important as control of resources, energy, where he graduated temperature rooms, bedrooms, energy consumption, gas, electricity and other like water and so on. all from an office.

Logically and referring to the first chapter on social networks and their impact, there are hotels where their managers some of the obligations you have is to go early in the nets and see how your product is located, to receive comments, complaints or suggestions and From this first contact with the networks have a daily assessment of how the situation. Also in the commercial departments of revenue manager know the importance of these technologies and media.
When we want to check and collate as is the market as our competition goes, there are several formulas to manage them, networks are more and also a snapshot, so it is important to have updated our pages and be active. The email was a breakthrough in commercial terms by rapid and direct communication, but also the beginning there were these fears, which could come into our privacy, in this section to be that the risk has decreased, although occasionally we suffer of the famous computer viruses.

As a point again, the growing importance of the number of enterprises of all types and activity that have accounts with Facebook, to publicize their products and make a feedback and feed back information to achieve an increased benefit to both the company and its customers.
Internet began in the U.S. Army as a means of communication, and we know the magnitude it has taken and the invaluable information available today in seconds, because with something like Facebook is going on, I started to use young people to exchange photos and communicate and older said it was another way to chat, but we are already seeing the result at business with major firms and hotel companies.

The technology advances and we have to to go together to keep up and not to be isolated ( outdated )
 Jose  Aguilar

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